About LearnAi.co.in

Learnai.co.in offers a comprehensive range of professional IT and Non-IT courses that are  designed to cater to an aspiring group of professionals who went a tailored program on  making them career ready. Our programs are driven by a constant need to be job achieving by following industry-oriented course curriculum and stimulating, taking into consideration  the dynamic nature of technology with practical knowledge work on different modules,  tools and are taught by world-class professionals with specific domain expertise. Simply one stop learning for all trending technologies.

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About Vue:

Vue is the French equivalent of the word 'View', meaning that,it is all about the front side. Vue. js is a JavaScript library that allows the user to create interactive web interfaces. Vue seems to have managed to become the most popular of recent times, surpassing its biggest rivals Angular and React on Git hub.

Top Reasons to learn Vue?

A low barrier to entry. A key idea of Vue is an easy start and no build step. ...
Easy learning curve. Although this is subjective, Vue. ...
Gradual implementation. ...
Like Angular, but lighter. ...
A great community. ...
And that's not all.

Who can Pursue Vue?

  • Any Degree pursuing or Graduated,
  • Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, and
  • Anyone interested in course
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Duration3 Months7 Months7 Months + 1 Year
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HTML & CSS Building

Your First Web Page What Are HTML & CSS? Understanding Common HTML Terms Setting Up the HTML Document Structure Understanding Common CSS Terms Working with Selectors Referencing CSS Using CSS Resets Getting to Know HTML Semantics Overview Identifying Divisions & Spans Using Text-Based Elements Building Structure Creating Hyperlinks Getting to Know CSS The Cascade Calculating Specificity Combining Selectors Layering Styles with Multiple Classes Common CSS Property Values Opening the Box Model How Are Elements Displayed? What Is the Box Model? Working with the Box Model Developer Tools Positioning Content Positioning with Float- Positioning with Inline-Block Creating Reusable Layouts Uniquely Positioning Elements Working with Typography Adding Color to Text Changing Font Properties Applying Text Properties Using Web-Safe Fonts Embedding Web Fonts Including Citations & Quotes Setting Backgrounds & Gradients Adding a Background Color Adding a Background Image Designing Gradient Backgrounds Using Multiple Background Images Exploring New Background Properties Creating Lists Unordered Lists Ordered Lists Description Lists Nesting Lists List Item Styling Horizontally Displaying List Adding Media Adding Images Adding Audio Adding Video Adding Inline Frames Semantically Identifying Figures & Captions Building Forms Initializing a Form Text Fields & Textareas Multiple Choice Inputs & Menus Form Buttons Other Inputs Organizing Form Elements Form & Input Attributes Login Form Example Organizing Data with Tables Creating a Table Table Structure Table Borders Table Striping Aligning Text Completely Styled Table Writing Your Best Code HTML Coding Practices CSS Coding Practices


Introduction Layouts Grid system Utilities for layout Content Typography Images Tables Components Alerts Badges Breadcrumb Buttons Button group Cards Carousel Collapse Dropdowns Forms Input group Jumbotron List group Media object Modal Navs Navbar Pagination Popovers Progress Spinners Toasts Tooltips Utilities Borders Colors Display property Embeds Flex Overflow Position Shadows Sizing Spacing Text Vertical alignment Icons


  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Random
  • Math
  • Scipy
  • sklearn
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • NLTK
  • Spacy
  • Lot more…


JAVASCRIPT – Overview What is JavaScript? Client-Side JavaScript Advantages of JavaScript Limitations of JavaScript JavaScript Development Tools Where is JavaScript Today? JAVASCRIPT – Syntax Your First JavaScript Code Whitespace and Line Breaks Semicolons are Optional Case Sensitivity Comments in JavaScript JAVASCRIPT – Enabling JavaScript in Internet Explorer JavaScript in Firefox JavaScript in Chrome JavaScript in Opera Warning for Non-JavaScript Browsers JAVASCRIPT – Placement JavaScript in and Sections JavaScript in External File JAVASCRIPT – Variables JavaScript Datatypes JavaScript Variables JavaScript Variable Scope JavaScript Variable Names JavaScript Reserved Words JAVASCRIPT – Operators What is an Operator? Arithmetic Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators Miscellaneous Operators JAVASCRIPT – If-Else Flow Chart of if-else if Statement if...else Statement if...else if... Statement JAVASCRIPT – Switch-Case JAVASCRIPT – While Loop The while Loop The do...while Loop JAVASCRIPT – For Loop The for Loop JAVASCRIPT – For-in Loop JAVASCRIPT – Loop Control The break Statement The continue Statement Using Labels to Control the Flow JAVASCRIPT – Functions Function Definition Calling a Function Function Parameters The return Statement Nested Functions Function () Constructor Function Literals JAVASCRIPT – Events What is an Event? onclick Event Type onsubmit Event Type onmouseover and onmouseout HTML 5 Standard Events JAVASCRIPT – Cookies What are Cookies? How It Works? Storing Cookies Reading Cookies Setting Cookies Expiry Date Deleting a Cookie JAVASCRIPT – Page Redirect What is Page Redirection? JavaScript Page Refresh Auto Refresh How Page Re-direction Works? JAVASCRIPT – Dialog Box Alert Dialog Box Confirmation Dialog Box Prompt Dialog Box


JAVASCRIPT – Objects Object Properties Object Methods User-Defined Objects Defining Methods for an Object The ‘with’ Keyword JAVASCRIPT – Number Number Properties MAX_VALUE MIN_VALUE NaN NEGATIVE_INFINITY POSITIVE_INFINITY Prototype constructor Number Methods toExponential () toFixed () toLocaleString () toPrecision () toString () valueOf () JAVASCRIPT – Boolean Boolean Properties constructor () Prototype Boolean Methods toSource () toString () valueOf () JAVASCRIPT – String String Properties constructor Length Prototype String Methods charAt() charCodeAt () contact () indexOf () lastIndexOf () localeCompare () match () replace () Search () slice () split () substr () substring () toLocaleLowerCase() toLocaleUppereCase () toLowerCase () toString () toUpperCase () valueOf () String HTML Wrappers anchor() big() blink () bold () fixed () fontColor () fontsize () italics () link () small () strike () sub() sup () JAVASCRIPT – Arrays Array Properties constructor length Prototype Array Methods concat () every () filter () forEach () indexOf () join () lastIndexOf () map () pop () push () reduce () reduceRight () reverse () shift () slice () some () sort () splice () toString () unshift () JAVASCRIPT – Date Date Properties constructor Prototype Date Methods Date() getDate() getDay() getFullYear() getHours() getMilliseconds() getMinutes () getMonth () getSeconds () getTime () getTimezoneOffset () getUTCDate () getUTCDay () getUTCFullYear () getUTCHours () getUTCMilliseconds () getUTCMinutes () getUTCMonth () getUTCSeconds () getYear () setDate () setFullYear () setHours () setMilliseconds () setMinutes () setMonth () setSeconds () setTime () setUTCDate () setUTCFullYear () setUTCHours () setUTCMilliseconds () setUTCMinutes () setUTC Month () setUTCSeconds () setYear () toDateString () toGMTString () toLocaleDateString () toLocaleDateString () toLocaleFormat () toLocaleString () toLocaleTimeSring () toSource () toString () toTimeString () toUTCString () valeOf () Date Static Methods Date.parse ( ) Date.UTC ( ) JAVASCRIPT – Math Math Properties Math-E Math-LN2 Math-LN10 Math-LOG2E Math-LOG10E Math-PI Math-SQRT1_2 Math-SQRT2 Math Methods abs () acos () asin ( ) atan ( ) atan2 ( ) ceil ( ) cos ( ) exp ( ) floor ( ) log ( ) max ( ) min ( ) pow ( ) random ( ) round ( ) sin ( ) sqrt ( ) tan ( ) toSource ( ) JAVASCRIPT – RegExp Brackets Quantifiers Literal Characters Metacharacters Modifiers RegExp Properties constructor global ignoreCase lastIndex multiline source RegExp Methods exec ( ) test ( ) toSource ( ) toString ( )


JAVASCRIPT – Errors and Exceptions Syntax Errors Runtime Errors Logical Errors The try...catch...finally Statement The throw Statement The onerror( ) Method JAVASCRIPT – Form Validation Basic Form Validation Data Format Validation JAVASCRIPT – Animation Manual Animation Automated Animation Rollover with a Mouse Event


SQL ─ Overview What is SQL? SQL Process SQL Commands SQL ─ RDBMS Concepts What is RDBMS? SQL Constraints Data Integrity Database Normalization Database – First Normal Form (1NF) Database – Second Normal Form (2NF) Database – Third Normal Form (3NF) SQL ─ RDBMS Databases MySQL MS SQL Server ORACLE MS ACCESS SQL – Syntax Various Syntax in SQL SQL ─ Data Types SQL – Operators What is an Operator in SQL? SQL Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic Operators – Examples SQL Comparison Operators Comparison Operators – Examples SQL Logical Operators Logical Operators – Examples SQL – Expressions Boolean Expressions Numeric Expressions Date Expressions SQL – CREATE Database SQL ─ DROP or DELETE Database SQL ─ SELECT Database,USE Statement SQL ─ CREATE Table SQL - Creating a Table from an Existing Table SQL ─ DROP or DELETE Table SQL ─ INSERT Query SQL ─ SELECT Query SQL ─ WHERE Clause SQL ─ AND & OR Conjunctive Operators The AND Operator The OR Operator SQL ─ UPDATE Query SQL ─ DELETE Query ]SQL ─ LIKE Clause SQL ─ TOP, LIMIT or ROWNUM Clause SQL ─ ORDER BY Clause SQL ─ Group By SQL ─ Distinct Keyword SQL ─ SORTING Results SQL ─ Constraints SQL - NOT NULL Constraint SQL - DEFAULT Constraint SQL - UNIQUE Constraint SQL ─ Primary Key SQL ─ Foreign Key SQL ─ CHECK Constraint SQL ─ INDEX Constraint Dropping Constraints Integrity Constraints SQL ─ Using Joins SQL - INNER JOIN SQL ─ LEFT JOIN SQL - RIGHT JOIN SQL ─ FULL JOIN SQL ─ SELF JOIN SQL ─ CARTESIAN or CROSS JOIN SQL ─ UNIONS CLAUSE The UNION ALL Clause SQL ─ INTERSECT Clause SQL ─ EXCEPT Clause SQL ─ NULL Values SQL ─ Alias Syntax SQL – Indexes The CREATE INDEX Command The DROP INDEX Command SQL - INDEX Constraint SQL ─ ALTER TABLE Command SQL - TRUNCATE TABLE Command SQL ─ Using Views Creating Views The WITH CHECK OPTION SQL ─ Having Clause SQL – Transactions Properties of Transactions Transactional Control Commands SQL ─ Wildcard Operators SQL ─ Date Functions SQL ─ Temporary Tables What are Temporary Tables? Dropping Temporary Tables SQL – Clone Tables SQL – Sub Queries Subqueries with the SELECT Statement Subqueries with the INSERT Statement Subqueries with the UPDATE Statement Subqueries with the DELETE Statement SQL – Using Sequences Using AUTO_INCREMENT column Obtain AUTO_INCREMENT Values Renumbering an Existing Sequence Starting a Sequence at a Particular Value SQL – Handling Duplicates SQL – Injection Preventing SQL Injection


Features Comparison with Other Frameworks VueJS v/s Knockout VueJS v/s Polymer






Click Event Event Modifiers Event - Key Modifiers Custom Events


Conditional Rendering List Rendering


Transition Animation Custom Transition Classes Explicit Transition Duration JavaScript Hooks Transition at the Initial Render Animation on Components







Job Roles

Vue JS Developer Web Developer

Components of React

Create a Class Component. When creating a React component, the component's name must start with an upper case letter. Create a Function Component. Here is the same example as above, but created using a Function component instead. Component Constructor.

What We Offer

24/7 Portal Access
Domain Expertise Trainers
Industrial Standard Course Structure
Job Oriented Programs
Recording Sessions
Assignments on Real time Scenarios
Job Support
Resume Preparations
Job Assistance
Working on Real Time Projects
Course Completion Certifications

We Provide Higher Quality Services

Best Artificial Intelligence Training in Hyderabad with 100% placement Assistance. Learn Data Science with Python, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Statistics and Tableau.


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Phone: +91 9390023585
Email: info@learnai.co.in

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Address: 1st Floor, Rajadhani Theatre Complex, Pillar Number 1546, above Siri Mobiles, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500060.
Phone: +91 9390023585
Email: info@learnai.co.in
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