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Learnai.co.in provides a wide range of professions, including Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Full Stack Python using Django, Full Stack react js, Full stack java, full stack php and Digital Marketing. developed to meet a group of aspiring professionals that have a tailor-made career path. The driving force behind our programmes is that our programmes must be current and interesting, taking into account the dynamic nature of machine learning and deep training, and are taught by experts of world class with specialist subject experience.

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939 002 3585


939 002 3585


939 002 3585

What is Data Science?

Data Science are data studies. It entails establishing data capture, storage and analysis tools to retrieve usable information effectively. The objective of the data science is to get both structured and unstructured insights and information from any form of data.



  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Fundamental of Python
  • Variables
  • Comments
  • Print Statement
  • Operators
  • Mutable Data Types
  • Data Types
  • Special Data Types
  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Break, Continue and Pass Statements
  • String Object and working
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Set
  • Dictionaries
  • Map
  • Reduce
  • Filter
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Modules
  • Error Handling

Data Visualization

  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Cuflinks
  • Bokesh


  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Random
  • Math
  • Scipy
  • sklearn
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • NLTK
  • Spacy
  • Lot more…


  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Basics charts and dashboards
  • Special Char Types
  • Dashboard design and principles
  • Connections with servers
  • Local file access
  • Hands on experience with worksheet

Web Scraping

  • Url
  • Beautiful Soup

Data base

  • SQL
  • MongoDB


  • Basics of Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Data Distribution
  • Probability Distribution
  • Normal Distribution
  • Poison Distribution
  • Outlier Detection
  • Other Statistical Fundamentals

Machine Learning

  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Semi Supervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Learning

  1. Regression Models
  2. Classification Models

Regression Models

  • Introduction to Regression Models
  • Linear Models
  • Linear Regression
  • Multiple Regression
  • Ordinary Least Square Method
  • Non-Linear Models
  • Support Vector Regressor
  • Random Forest Regressor
  • Decision Tree

Evaluation Metrics for Regression Models

  • R-Square
  • Adjusted R Square
  • Mean Square Error
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Mean Absolute Error

Classification Models

  • Introduction to Classification Models
  • Logistics Regression
  • Naïve Bayes
  • Support Vector Classifier
  • K-NN Classifier
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier

Evaluation Metrics for Classification Models

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1 Score
  • ROC Curve

Unsupervised Learning

  • Introduction to Unsupervised Learning

Clustering Models

  • Introduction to Clustering Models
  • K- Mean Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • High Dimensional Clustering

Dimension Reduction

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

  • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Featurization, Model Selection & Tuning

  • Feature Extraction
  • Model Defects & Evaluation Metrics
  • Model Selection and Tuning
  • Comparison of machine learning models

Neural Networks

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Fundamental of Neural Networks
  • TensorFlow and Keras
  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  • Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Evaluation of Deep Learning
  • Neural Networks Basics
  • Gradient Descent
  • Introduction to Perceptron & Neural Networks
  • Batch Normalization
  • Activation and Loss Functions
  • Hyper parameter tuning
  • SoftMax
  • Deep Neural Networks
  • Weights initialization

Image Pre-processing

  • Computer Vision
  • Open CV
  • Noise Detection
  • Noise Reduce
  • Low Pass Filters
  • Forward Propagation
  • Backward Propagation
  • Pooling & Padding

Natural Language Processing

  • Introduction to NLP
  • Corpus
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
  • Natural Language Generator (NLG)
  • Tokenization (Word, Sentence, Blank, RegEx)
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Filtering
  • Stemming
  • Lemmatization
  • Stop Words
  • Regular Expressions
  • POS Tagging
  • Syntax Tree
  • Chunking
  • Lemmas
  • Hypernyms
  • Hyponyms
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Distance Between words
  • Wordnet
  • Name Entity Recognition
  • Bag of words or Document Matrix
  • Count Vectorization
  • Term Frequency
  • Inverse Document Frequency
  • Sentimental Analysis

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a diverse computer science sector that is responsible for constructing intelligent computers capable of carrying out jobs that are usually humane. AI is a multidisciplinary discipline, although machine learning advances and profound learning create a paradigm change in practically every sector of the technology business.



  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Fundamental of Python
  • Variables
  • Comments
  • Print Statement
  • Operators
  • Mutable Data Types
  • Data Types
  • Special Data Types
  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Break, Continue and Pass Statements
  • String Object and working
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Set
  • Dictionaries
  • Map
  • Reduce
  • Filter
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Modules
  • Error Handling

Data Visualization

  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Cuflinks
  • Bokesh


  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Random
  • Math
  • Scipy
  • sklearn
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • NLTK
  • Spacy
  • Lot more…


  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Basics charts and dashboards
  • Special Char Types
  • Dashboard design and principles
  • Connections with servers
  • Local file access
  • Hands on experience with worksheet

Web Scraping

  • Url
  • Beautiful Soup

Data base

  • SQL
  • MongoDB


  • Basics of Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Data Distribution
  • Probability Distribution
  • Normal Distribution
  • Poison Distribution
  • Outlier Detection
  • Other Statistical Fundamentals

Machine Learning

  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Semi Supervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Learning

  1. Regression Models
  2. Classification Models

Regression Models

  • Introduction to Regression Models
  • Linear Models
  • Linear Regression
  • Multiple Regression
  • Ordinary Least Square Method
  • Non-Linear Models
  • Support Vector Regressor
  • Random Forest Regressor
  • Decision Tree

Evaluation Metrics for Regression Models

  • R-Square
  • Adjusted R Square
  • Mean Square Error
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Mean Absolute Error

Classification Models

  • Introduction to Classification Models
  • Logistics Regression
  • Naïve Bayes
  • Support Vector Classifier
  • K-NN Classifier
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier

Evaluation Metrics for Classification Models

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1 Score
  • ROC Curve

Unsupervised Learning

  • Introduction to Unsupervised Learning

Clustering Models

  • Introduction to Clustering Models
  • K- Mean Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • High Dimensional Clustering

Dimension Reduction

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

  • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Featurization, Model Selection & Tuning

  • Feature Extraction
  • Model Defects & Evaluation Metrics
  • Model Selection and Tuning
  • Comparison of machine learning models

Neural Networks

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Fundamental of Neural Networks
  • TensorFlow and Keras
  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  • Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Evaluation of Deep Learning
  • Neural Networks Basics
  • Gradient Descent
  • Introduction to Perceptron & Neural Networks
  • Batch Normalization
  • Activation and Loss Functions
  • Hyper parameter tuning
  • SoftMax
  • Deep Neural Networks
  • Weights initialization

Image Pre-processing

  • Computer Vision
  • Open CV
  • Noise Detection
  • Noise Reduce
  • Low Pass Filters
  • Forward Propagation
  • Backward Propagation
  • Pooling & Padding

Natural Language Processing

  • Introduction to NLP
  • Corpus
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
  • Natural Language Generator (NLG)
  • Tokenization (Word, Sentence, Blank, RegEx)
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Filtering
  • Stemming
  • Lemmatization
  • Stop Words
  • Regular Expressions
  • POS Tagging
  • Syntax Tree
  • Chunking
  • Lemmas
  • Hypernyms
  • Hyponyms
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Distance Between words
  • Wordnet
  • Name Entity Recognition
  • Bag of words or Document Matrix
  • Count Vectorization
  • Term Frequency
  • Inverse Document Frequency
  • Sentimental Analysis

What is Full Stack php?

The term PHP is an acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. It is open-source which means it is free to download and use. It is very simple to learn and use. The files have the extension “.php”. Course Included HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, PHP, Laravel


HTML & CSS Building

  • Your First Web Page
  • What Are HTML & CSS?
  • Understanding Common HTML Terms
  • Setting Up the HTML Document Structure
  • Understanding Common CSS Terms
  • Working with Selectors
  • Referencing CSS
  • Using CSS Resets
  • Getting to Know HTML
  • Semantics Overview
  • Identifying Divisions & Spans
  • Using Text-Based Elements
  • Building Structure
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Getting to Know CSS
  • The Cascade
  • Calculating Specificity
  • Combining Selectors
  • Layering Styles with Multiple Classes
  • Common CSS Property Values
  • Opening the Box Model
  • How Are Elements Displayed?
  • What Is the Box Model?
  • Working with the Box Model
  • Developer Tools
  • Positioning Content
  • Positioning with Float- Positioning with Inline-Block
  • Creating Reusable Layouts
  • Uniquely Positioning Elements
  • Working with Typography
  • Adding Color to Text
  • Changing Font Properties
  • Applying Text Properties
  • Using Web-Safe Fonts
  • Embedding Web Fonts
  • Including Citations & Quotes
  • Setting Backgrounds & Gradients
  • Adding a Background Color
  • Adding a Background Image
  • Designing Gradient Backgrounds
  • Using Multiple Background Images
  • Exploring New Background Properties
  • Creating Lists
  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Description Lists
  • Nesting Lists
  • List Item Styling
  • Horizontally Displaying List
  • Adding Media
  • Adding Images
  • Adding Audio
  • Adding Video
  • Adding Inline Frames
  • Semantically Identifying Figures & Captions
  • Building Forms
  • Initializing a Form
  • Text Fields & Textareas
  • Multiple Choice Inputs & Menus
  • Form Buttons
  • Other Inputs
  • Organizing Form Elements
  • Form & Input Attributes
  • Login Form Example
  • Organizing Data with Tables
  • Creating a Table
  • Table Structure
  • Table Borders
  • Table Striping
  • Aligning Text
  • Completely Styled Table
  • Writing Your Best Code
  • HTML Coding Practices
  • CSS Coding Practices


  • Introduction
  • Layouts
  • Grid system
  • Utilities for layout
  • Content
  • Typography
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Components
  • Alerts
  • Badges
  • Breadcrumb
  • Buttons
  • Button group
  • Cards
  • Carousel
  • Collapse
  • Dropdowns
  • Forms
  • Input group
  • Jumbotron
  • List group
  • Media object
  • Modal
  • Navs
  • Navbar
  • Pagination
  • Popovers
  • Progress
  • Spinners
  • Toasts
  • Tooltips
  • Utilities
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Display property
  • Embeds
  • Flex
  • Overflow
  • Position
  • Shadows
  • Sizing
  • Spacing
  • Text
  • Vertical alignment
  • Icons


  • JAVASCRIPT – Overview
  • What is JavaScript?
  • Client-Side JavaScript
  • Advantages of JavaScript
  • Limitations of JavaScript
  • JavaScript Development Tools
  • Where is JavaScript Today?
  • JAVASCRIPT – Syntax
  • Your First JavaScript Code
  • Whitespace and Line Breaks
  • Semicolons are Optional
  • Case Sensitivity
  • Comments in JavaScript
  • JAVASCRIPT – Enabling
  • JavaScript in Internet Explorer
  • JavaScript in Firefox
  • JavaScript in Chrome
  • JavaScript in Opera
  • Warning for Non-JavaScript Browsers
  • JAVASCRIPT – Placement
  • JavaScript in and Sections
  • JavaScript in External File
  • JAVASCRIPT – Variables
  • JavaScript Datatypes
  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Variable Scope
  • JavaScript Variable Names
  • JavaScript Reserved Words
  • JAVASCRIPT – Operators
  • What is an Operator?
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Miscellaneous Operators
  • JAVASCRIPT – If-Else
  • Flow Chart of if-else
  • if Statement
  • if...else Statement
  • if...else if... Statement
  • JAVASCRIPT – Switch-Case
  • JAVASCRIPT – While Loop
  • The while Loop
  • The do...while Loop
  • JAVASCRIPT – For Loop
  • The for Loop
  • JAVASCRIPT – For-in Loop
  • JAVASCRIPT – Loop Control
  • The break Statement
  • The continue Statement
  • Using Labels to Control the Flow
  • JAVASCRIPT – Functions
  • Function Definition
  • Calling a Function
  • Function Parameters
  • The return Statement
  • Nested Functions
  • Function () Constructor
  • Function Literals
  • JAVASCRIPT – Events
  • What is an Event?
  • onclick Event Type
  • onsubmit Event Type
  • onmouseover and onmouseout
  • HTML 5 Standard Events
  • JAVASCRIPT – Cookies
  • What are Cookies?
  • How It Works?
  • Storing Cookies
  • Reading Cookies
  • Setting Cookies Expiry Date
  • Deleting a Cookie
  • JAVASCRIPT – Page Redirect
  • What is Page Redirection?
  • JavaScript Page Refresh
  • Auto Refresh
  • How Page Re-direction Works?
  • JAVASCRIPT – Dialog Box
  • Alert Dialog Box
  • Confirmation Dialog Box
  • Prompt Dialog Box


  • JAVASCRIPT – Objects
  • Object Properties
  • Object Methods
  • User-Defined Objects
  • Defining Methods for an Object
  • The ‘with’ Keyword
  • JAVASCRIPT – Number
  • Number Properties
  • NaN
  • Prototype
  • constructor
  • Number Methods
  • toExponential ()
  • toFixed ()
  • toLocaleString ()
  • toPrecision ()
  • toString ()
  • valueOf ()
  • JAVASCRIPT – Boolean
  • Boolean Properties
  • constructor ()
  • Prototype
  • Boolean Methods
  • toSource ()
  • toString ()
  • valueOf ()
  • JAVASCRIPT – String
  • String Properties
  • constructor
  • Length
  • Prototype
  • String Methods
  • charAt()
  • charCodeAt ()
  • contact ()
  • indexOf ()
  • lastIndexOf ()
  • localeCompare ()
  • match ()
  • replace ()
  • Search ()
  • slice ()
  • split ()
  • substr ()
  • substring ()
  • toLocaleLowerCase()
  • toLocaleUppereCase ()
  • toLowerCase ()
  • toString ()
  • toUpperCase ()
  • valueOf ()
  • String HTML Wrappers
  • anchor()
  • big()
  • blink ()
  • bold ()
  • fixed ()
  • fontColor ()
  • fontsize ()
  • italics ()
  • link ()
  • small ()
  • strike ()
  • sub()
  • sup ()
  • JAVASCRIPT – Arrays
  • Array Properties
  • constructor
  • length
  • Prototype
  • Array Methods
  • concat ()
  • every ()
  • filter ()
  • forEach ()
  • indexOf ()
  • join ()
  • lastIndexOf ()
  • map ()
  • pop ()
  • push ()
  • reduce ()
  • reduceRight ()
  • reverse ()
  • shift ()
  • slice ()
  • some ()
  • sort ()
  • splice ()
  • toString ()
  • unshift ()
  • Date Properties
  • constructor
  • Prototype
  • Date Methods
  • Date()
  • getDate()
  • getDay()
  • getFullYear()
  • getHours()
  • getMilliseconds()
  • getMinutes ()
  • getMonth ()
  • getSeconds ()
  • getTime ()
  • getTimezoneOffset ()
  • getUTCDate ()
  • getUTCDay ()
  • getUTCFullYear ()
  • getUTCHours ()
  • getUTCMilliseconds ()
  • getUTCMinutes ()
  • getUTCMonth ()
  • getUTCSeconds ()
  • getYear ()
  • setDate ()
  • setFullYear ()
  • setHours ()
  • setMilliseconds ()
  • setMinutes ()
  • setMonth ()
  • setSeconds ()
  • setTime ()
  • setUTCDate ()
  • setUTCFullYear ()
  • setUTCHours ()
  • setUTCMilliseconds ()
  • setUTCMinutes ()
  • setUTC Month ()
  • setUTCSeconds ()
  • setYear ()
  • toDateString ()
  • toGMTString ()
  • toLocaleDateString ()
  • toLocaleDateString ()
  • toLocaleFormat ()
  • toLocaleString ()
  • toLocaleTimeSring ()
  • toSource ()
  • toString ()
  • toTimeString ()
  • toUTCString ()
  • valeOf ()
  • Date Static Methods
  • Date.parse ( )
  • Date.UTC ( )
  • Math Properties
  • Math-E
  • Math-LN2
  • Math-LN10
  • Math-LOG2E
  • Math-LOG10E
  • Math-PI
  • Math-SQRT1_2
  • Math-SQRT2
  • Math Methods
  • abs ()
  • acos ()
  • asin ( )
  • atan ( )
  • atan2 ( )
  • ceil ( )
  • cos ( )
  • exp ( )
  • floor ( )
  • log ( )
  • max ( )
  • min ( )
  • pow ( )
  • random ( )
  • round ( )
  • sin ( )
  • sqrt ( )
  • tan ( )
  • toSource ( )
  • Brackets
  • Quantifiers
  • Literal Characters
  • Metacharacters
  • Modifiers
  • RegExp Properties
  • constructor
  • global
  • ignoreCase
  • lastIndex
  • multiline
  • source
  • RegExp Methods
  • exec ( )
  • test ( )
  • toSource ( )
  • toString ( )


  • JAVASCRIPT – Errors and Exceptions
  • Syntax Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • Logical Errors
  • The try...catch...finally Statement
  • The throw Statement
  • The onerror( ) Method
  • JAVASCRIPT – Form Validation
  • Basic Form Validation
  • Data Format Validation
  • JAVASCRIPT – Animation
  • Manual Animation
  • Automated Animation
  • Rollover with a Mouse Event


  • SQL ─ Overview
  • What is SQL?
  • SQL Process
  • SQL Commands
  • SQL ─ RDBMS Concepts
  • What is RDBMS?
  • SQL Constraints
  • Data Integrity
  • Database Normalization
  • Database – First Normal Form (1NF)
  • Database – Second Normal Form (2NF)
  • Database – Third Normal Form (3NF)
  • SQL ─ RDBMS Databases
  • MySQL
  • MS SQL Server
  • SQL – Syntax
  • Various Syntax in SQL
  • SQL ─ Data Types
  • SQL – Operators
  • What is an Operator in SQL?
  • SQL Arithmetic Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators – Examples
  • SQL Comparison Operators
  • Comparison Operators – Examples
  • SQL Logical Operators
  • Logical Operators – Examples
  • SQL – Expressions
  • Boolean Expressions
  • Numeric Expressions
  • Date Expressions
  • SQL – CREATE Database
  • SQL ─ DROP or DELETE Database
  • SQL ─ SELECT Database,USE Statement
  • SQL ─ CREATE Table
  • SQL - Creating a Table from an Existing Table
  • SQL ─ DROP or DELETE Table
  • SQL ─ INSERT Query
  • SQL ─ SELECT Query
  • SQL ─ WHERE Clause
  • SQL ─ AND & OR Conjunctive Operators
  • The AND Operator
  • The OR Operator
  • SQL ─ UPDATE Query
  • SQL ─ DELETE Query
  • ]SQL ─ LIKE Clause
  • SQL ─ TOP, LIMIT or ROWNUM Clause
  • SQL ─ ORDER BY Clause
  • SQL ─ Group By
  • SQL ─ Distinct Keyword
  • SQL ─ SORTING Results
  • SQL ─ Constraints
  • SQL - NOT NULL Constraint
  • SQL - DEFAULT Constraint
  • SQL - UNIQUE Constraint
  • SQL ─ Primary Key
  • SQL ─ Foreign Key
  • SQL ─ CHECK Constraint
  • SQL ─ INDEX Constraint
  • Dropping Constraints
  • Integrity Constraints
  • SQL ─ Using Joins
  • The UNION ALL Clause
  • SQL ─ INTERSECT Clause
  • SQL ─ EXCEPT Clause
  • SQL ─ NULL Values
  • SQL ─ Alias Syntax
  • SQL – Indexes
  • The CREATE INDEX Command
  • The DROP INDEX Command
  • SQL - INDEX Constraint
  • SQL ─ ALTER TABLE Command
  • SQL ─ Using Views
  • Creating Views
  • SQL ─ Having Clause
  • SQL – Transactions
  • Properties of Transactions
  • Transactional Control Commands
  • SQL ─ Wildcard Operators
  • SQL ─ Date Functions
  • SQL ─ Temporary Tables
  • What are Temporary Tables?
  • Dropping Temporary Tables
  • SQL – Clone Tables
  • SQL – Sub Queries
  • Subqueries with the SELECT Statement
  • Subqueries with the INSERT Statement
  • Subqueries with the UPDATE Statement
  • Subqueries with the DELETE Statement
  • SQL – Using Sequences
  • Using AUTO_INCREMENT column
  • Obtain AUTO_INCREMENT Values
  • Renumbering an Existing Sequence
  • Starting a Sequence at a Particular Value
  • SQL – Handling Duplicates
  • SQL – Injection
  • Preventing SQL Injection


  • PHP ─ Introduction
  • Common Uses of PHP
  • Characteristics of PHP
  • "Hello World" Script in PHP
  • PHP ─ Environment Setup
  • PHP Parser Installation
  • PHP Installation on Linux or Unix with Apache
  • PHP Installation on Mac OS X with Apache
  • PHP Installation on Windows NT/2000/XP with IIS
  • PHP Installation on Windows NT/2000/XP with Apache ● Apache Configuration for PHP
  • PHP.INI file Configuration
  • PHP ─ Syntax Overview
  • Escaping to PHP
  • Commenting PHP Code
  • PHP is whitespace insensitive
  • PHP is case sensitive
  • Statements are expressions terminated by semicolons
  • Expressions are combinations of tokens
  • Braces make blocks
  • Running PHP Script from Command Prompt
  • PHP ─ Variable Types
  • Integers
  • Doubles
  • Boolean
  • NULL
  • Strings
  • Variable Naming
  • PHP – Variables
  • PHP Local Variables
  • PHP Function Parameters
  • PHP Global Variables
  • PHP Static Variables

PHP ─ Operator Types

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Conditional Operator
  • Operators Categories
  • Precedence of PHP Operators

PHP ─ Decision Making

  • The If...Else Statement
  • The ElseIf Statement
  • The Switch Statement

PHP ─ Loop Types

  • The for loop statement
  • The while loop statement
  • The do...while loop statement
  • The foreach loop statement
  • The break statement
  • The continue statement

PHP ─ Arrays

  • Numeric Array
  • Associative Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays

PHP ─ Strings

  • String Concatenation Operator
  • Using the strlen() function
  • Using the strpos() function

PHP ─ Web Concepts

  • Identifying Browser & Platform
  • Display Images Randomly
  • Using HTML Forms
  • Browser Redirection
  • Displaying "File Download" Dialog Box

PHP Advanced

  • PHP ─ GET and POST Methods
  • The GET Method
  • The POST Method
  • The $_REQUEST variable
  • PHp ─ File Inclusion
  • The include() Function
  • The require() Function
  • PHP ─ Files & I/O
  • Opening and Closing Files
  • Reading a file
  • Writing a File
  • PHP ─ Functions
  • Creating PHP Function
  • PHP Functions with Parameters
  • Passing Arguments by Reference
  • PHP Functions returning value
  • Setting Default Values for Function Parameters
  • Dynamic Function Calls
  • PHP ─ Cookies
  • The Anatomy of a Cookie
  • Setting Cookies with PHP
  • Accessing Cookies with PHP
  • Deleting Cookie with PHP
  • PHP ─ Sessions
  • Starting a PHP Session
  • Destroying a PHP Session
  • Turning on Auto Session
  • Sessions without cookies
  • PHP ─ Sending Emails
  • Sending plain text email
  • Sending HTML email
  • Sending attachments with email
  • PHP ─ File Uploading
  • Creating an Upload Form
  • Creating an upload script
  • PHP ─ Coding Standard
  • PHP ─ Predefined Variables
  • PHP Superglobals
  • Server variables: $_SERVER
  • PHP ─ Regular Expression
  • POSIX Regular Expressions
  • PHP's Regexp POSIX Functions
  • PHP ─ Function ereg()
  • PHP ─ Function ereg_replace()
  • PHP ─ Function eregi()
  • PHP ─ Function eregi_replace()
  • PHP ─ Function split()
  • PHP ─ Function spliti()
  • PHP ─ Function sql_regcase()
  • PERL Style Regular Expressions
  • PHP's Regexp PERL Compatible Functions
  • PHP ─ Function preg_match()
  • PHP ─ Function preg_match_all()
  • PHP ─ Function preg_replace()
  • PHP ─ Function preg_split()
  • PHP ─ Function preg_grep()
  • PHP ─ Function preg_quote()
  • PHP ─ Error and Exception Handling
  • Using die() function
  • Defining Custom Error Handling Function
  • Exceptions Handling
  • PHP ─ Bugs Debugging
  • PHP ─ Date and Time
  • Getting the Time Stamp with time()
  • Converting a Time Stamp with getdate()
  • Converting a Time Stamp with date()
  • PHP ─ PHP and MySQL
  • What you should already have?
  • Connecting to MySQL Database
  • Create MySQL Database Using PHP
  • Delete MySQL Database Using PHP
  • Insert Data to MySQL Database
  • Retrieving Data from MySQL Database
  • Using Paging through PHP
  • Updating Data into MySQL Database
  • Deleting Data from MySQL Database
  • Using PHP to Backup MySQL Database
  • PHP ─ PHP and AJAX
  • What is AJAX ?
  • PHP and AJAX Example
  • Client Side HTML file
  • Server Side PHP file
  • PHP ─ PHP and XML
  • HTML list that's not valid XML
  • HTML list that is valid XML
  • Parsing an XML Document
  • Generating an XML Document
  • PHP ─ Object Oriented Programming
  • Object Oriented Concepts
  • Defining PHP Classes
  • Creating Objects in PHP
  • Calling Member Functions
  • Constructor Functions
  • Destructor
  • Inheritance
  • Function Overriding
  • Public Members
  • Private members
  • Protected members
  • Interfaces
  • Constants
  • Abstract Classes
  • Static Keyword
  • Final Keyword
  • PHP ─ PHP for C Developers
  • Similarities
  • Differences
  • PHP ─ PHP for PERL Developers
  • Similarities
  • Differences


  • Laravel
  • Introduction
  • Laravel – Features
  • Root Directory
  • App Directory
  • Basic Configuration
  • Environmental Configuration
  • Database Configuration
  • Naming the Application
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Basic Routing
  • Routing Parameters
  • Define Middleware
  • Register Middleware
  • Middleware Parameters
  • Terminable Middleware
  • Basic Controllers
  • Controller Middleware
  • Restful Resource Controllers
  • Implicit Controllers
  • Constructor Injection
  • Method Injection
  • Retrieving the Request URI
  • Retrieving Input
  • Creating Cookie
  • Retrieving Cookie
  • Basic Response
  • Attaching Headers
  • Attaching Cookies
  • JSON Response
  • Understanding Views
  • Passing Data to Views
  • Sharing Data with all Views
  • Blade Templates
  • Redirecting to Named Routes
  • Redirecting to Controller Actions
  • Connecting to Database
  • Insert Records
  • Retrieve Records
  • Update Records
  • Delete Records
  • Errors
  • Logging
  • Accessing Session Data
  • Storing Session Data
  • Deleting Session Data
  • HTTP Exceptions
  • Custom Error pages

What is Full Stack python?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a diverse computer science sector that is responsible for constructing intelligent computers capable of carrying out jobs that are usually humane. AI is a multidisciplinary discipline, although machine learning advances and profound learning create a paradigm change in practically every sector of the technology business.


Introduction to Python

  • History, introduction and installations of Python
  • Basic Python Concepts
  • Advanced Python Concepts
  • Related Libraries

Introduction to Web

  • What is WEB?
  • Features of WEB?
  • Introduction to HTML & HTML5
  • Introduction to CSS &CSS3
  • Introduction to JAVASCRIPT
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Creating Basic Web Pages
  • Introduction to SCRIPTS

Django Web Framework

  • What is a Framework
  • Introduction to Django
  • Django – Design Philosophies
  • History of Django
  • Django Features
  • Environment setup
  • Web Server

Getting Started with Django

  • Creating the first Project
  • Integrating the Project to PYCHARM & Other IDEs
  • The Project Structure
  • Running the in the server
  • Setting Up Your Project
  • Create and configure Django apps
  • Django App Structure
  • Configuring App in Project

URLs and Views

  • What is URL?
  • Define URL patterns
  • What is View
  • Configure URLs
  • Developing different views

URL dispatcher

  • Django URL Mapping
  • Configuring URL conf’s
  • Django URL Functions
  • Path()
  • Re path()
  • URL Patterns App Level and Project Level
  • Include()

Django Templates

  • Define Django Template
  • Django MVT Pattern
  • Django Template Configuration
  • render() function
  • Django Template Language
  • Template Tags or Template Variables
  • String interpolation
  • What is a context?
  • Define Context Processor?

Working with Static Files

  • include Static Files inside Template
  • Configuring static files
  • Creating Project with static resources
  • HTML, CSS, Images


  • Define Database?
  • Define DBMS, RDBMS?
  • What is Model?
  • Database Configuration
  • How to Check Django Database Connection
  • Configuration of MySQL Database
  • SQLite
  • Defining Django Models
  • Django Model Fields
  • Field Options
  • What is a Migration?
  • migrate Command
  • Creation of Super User
  • Register Model Inside Admin Interface
  • Difference between makemigrations and migrate
  • Define QuerySet
  • The Python Template Engine
  • Define Jinja2
  • Faker Module

Relationships in Django Models

  • What is ORM?
  • One-To-One Relationships
  • Many-To-One Relationships
  • Many-To-Many Relationships

Django Forms or Model Forms

  • What is Model Form?
  • Advantages of Django Forms
  • Creating Django Forms
  • CSRF
  • Creating a Login form
  • Creating Registration Form

Django Form Validation

  • What is Validation?
  • is_valid()
  • Clean Methods
  • Creating Project
  • What is HTTP?
  • Basic Features
  • http request methods
  • HTTP – URL Encoding

Django’s Inbuilt Core Validators

  • Validators
  • Custom Validators
  • Validation of Total Form using Clean Method
  • Validators
  • RegexValidator
  • Validating EmailID
  • What is BOT?
  • How to prevent Requests from BOT

Model Based Forms

  • How to develop MBF
  • __all__
  • Exclude-List
  • Include-Tuple
  • Creating SuperUser

Advanced Templates

  • Template Inheritance
  • Template Filters
  • Template tags for relative URLs
  • Block-endblock
  • extends
  • Advantages of Template Inheritance
  • Why Template Filters?
  • What is Template Filter?
  • How to Create Customized Template Filters?

Session Management in Django

  • Cookies
  • What is Cookie?
  • Why Cookie?
  • Types of Cookies
  • Advantages, Limitations
  • set_test_cookie():
  • test_cookie_worked()
  • delete_test_cookie()
  • set_cookie()
  • get()
  • Django Session Framework
  • request.session[‘key’]
  • request.session.get_expiry_date()

Authentication & Authorization

  • Define Authentication
  • Define Authorization
  • Auth System
  • Class Based Views (CBV)
  • Enabling authentication
  • Auth system Consists
  • Bcrypt & argon2
  • Real time example on AA
  • Working with Admin
  • Function Based Views
  • Class based Views
  • Generic Class-Based Views
  • Simple Generic Views
  • Template View
  • List Views

Django File Upload

  • What is upload
  • Creating media_root & url
  • How to upload files
  • Upload images
  • Upload Audio Files
  • Upload Video Files

Django CRUD Operations

  • What is CRUD?
  • READ
  • CRUD with Project

Django Middleware

  • Define Middleware
  • Builtin Middleware
  • Customizing Middleware
  • Middleware Methods

How to Send Email in a Django

  • What is mail system
  • Mail Requirements
  • send_mail()
  • Configuring Mail Settings
  • Sending Email
  • Other Email Functions

Outputting CSV with Django

  • What is CSV?
  • CSV Using Models
  • Creating a Live CSV Project

Outputting PDF with Django

  • What is PDF?
  • Creating a Live PDF Project

Django Crispy Forms

  • What is Crisply Form?
  • Installing Crispy form
  • Template Packs
  • Login Crispy form
  • Registration Crispy forms
  • Crispy with Bootstrap

GIT & Github

  • What is git?
  • Define Version Control System
  • Git Installation
  • Git commands
  • Define Github
  • Pulling and Pushing
  • Live Environment


  • What is Bitbucket?
  • Web based Version Control System
  • Commits
  • Branches
  • Pull requests
  • Pipelines

Deploying Django Apps & Heroku

  • What is deployment?
  • Creating a Project
  • Deploying Django App at product level
  • Install heroku CLI
  • Virtual Environment
  • Introduction to HEROKU
  • Deploy at HEROKU
  • $pip freeze

Introduction to Web Services

  • What is Web Service?
  • Types of WebServices
  • SOAP based WebServices?
  • Features and Limitations?

Introduction to XML

  • What is XML?
  • Structure of XML
  • Comments, Attributes & Elements
  • What is DTD?
  • What is Schema?

Introduction to REST API(Restful Services)

  • What is REST?
  • What is API?
  • What is JSON?
  • HTTP Status Codes?
  • HTTP Methods for RESTful Services
  • POST
  • PUT
  • GET

What is full stack Java?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a diverse computer science sector that is responsible for constructing intelligent computers capable of carrying out jobs that are usually humane. AI is a multidisciplinary discipline, although machine learning advances and profound learning create a paradigm change in practically every sector of the technology business.


Basic of Java

  • Java - What, Where and Why?
  • History and Features of Java
  • Internals of Java Program
  • Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM
  • Internal Details of JVM
  • Variable
  • Data Type
  • Unicode System
  • Naming Convention

Oops Concepts

  • Advantage of OOPs
  • Object and Class
  • Method Overloading
  • Constructor
  • static variable, method and block
  • this keyword
  • Inheritance (IS-A)
  • Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
  • Method Overriding
  • Covariant Return Type
  • super keyword
  • Instance Initializer block
  • final keyword
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • static and Dynamic binding
  • Abstract class and Interface
  • Downcasting with instanceof operator
  • Package and Access Modifiers
  • Encapsulation
  • Object class
  • Object Cloning
  • Java Array
  • Call By Value and Call By Reference
  • strictfp keyword
  • Creating API Document

String Handling

  • String : What and Why?
  • Immutable String
  • String Comparison
  • String Concatenation
  • Substring
  • Methods of String class
  • StringBuffer class
  • StringBuilder class
  • Creating Immutable class
  • toString method
  • StringTokenizer class

Exception Handling

  • Exception Handling : What and Why?
  • try and catch block
  • Multiple catch block
  • Nested try
  • finally block
  • throw keyword
  • Exception Propagation
  • throws keyword
  • Exception Handling with Method Overriding
  • Custom Exception

Nested Class

  • Nested Class : What and Why?
  • Member Inner class
  • Annonymous Inner class
  • Local Inner class
  • static nested class


  • SQL
  • Multithreading : What and Why?
  • Life Cycle of a Thread
  • Creating Thread
  • Thread Schedular
  • Sleeping a thread
  • Joining a thread
  • Thread Priority
  • Daemon Thread
  • Thread Pooling
  • Thread Group
  • ShutdownHook
  • Performing multiple task by multiple thread
  • Garbage Collection
  • Runnable class


  • Synchronization : What and Why?
  • synchronized method
  • synchronized block
  • static synchronization
  • Deadlock
  • Inter-thread Communication
  • Interrupting Thread

Input and output

  • FileOutputStream & FileInputStream
  • ByteArrayOutputStream
  • SequenceInputStream
  • BufferedOutputStream & BufferedInputStream
  • FileWriter & FileReader
  • CharArrayWriter
  • Input from keyboard by InputStreamReader
  • Input from keyboard by Console
  • Input from keyboard by Scanner
  • PrintStream class
  • PrintWriter class
  • Compressing and Uncompressing File
  • Reading and Writing data simultaneously
  • DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
  • StreamTokenizer class


  • Serialization & Deserialization
  • Serialization with IS-A and HasA
  • transient keyword


  • Socket Programming
  • URL class
  • Displaying data of a web page
  • InetAddress class
  • DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket
  • Two way communication

AWT and Event handling

  • AWT Controls
  • Event Handling by 3 ways
  • Event classes and Listener Interfaces
  • Adapter classes
  • Creating Games and Applications


  • Basics of Swing
  • JButton class
  • JRadioButton class
  • JTextArea class
  • JComboBox class
  • JTable class
  • JColorChooser class
  • JProgressBar class
  • JSlider class
  • Digital Watch
  • Graphics in swing
  • Displaying Image
  • Edit Menu for Notepad
  • Open Dialog Box
  • Creating Notepad
  • Creating Games and applications

Layout Managers

  • BorderLayout
  • GridLayout
  • FlowLayout
  • BoxLayout
  • CardLayout


  • Life Cycle of Applet
  • Graphics in Applet
  • Displaying image in Applet
  • Animation in Applet
  • EventHandling in Applet
  • JApplet class
  • Painting in Applet
  • Digital Clock in Applet
  • Analog Clock in Applet
  • Parameter in Applet
  • Applet Communication
  • Creating Games

Reflection API

  • Reflection API
  • newInstance() & Determining the class object
  • javap tool
  • creating javap tool
  • creating appletviewer
  • Accessing private method from outside the class


  • Collection Framework
  • ArrayList class
  • LinkedList class
  • ListIterator interface
  • HashSet class
  • LinkedHashSet class
  • TreeSet class
  • PriorityQueue class
  • ArrayDeque class
  • Map interface
  • HashMap class
  • LinkedHashMap class
  • TreeMap class
  • Hashtable class
  • Comparable and Comparator
  • Properties class


  • JDBC Drivers
  • Steps to connect to the database
  • Connectivity with Oracle
  • Connectivity with MySQL
  • Connectivity with Access without DSN
  • DriverManager
  • Connection interface
  • Statement interface
  • ResultSet interface
  • PreparedStatement
  • ResultSetMetaData
  • DatabaseMetaData
  • Storing image
  • Retrieving image
  • Storing file
  • Retrieving file
  • Stored procedures and functions
  • Transaction Management
  • Batch Processing
  • JDBC New Features
  • Mini Project

Java New Features

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Fundamental of Neural Networks
  • TensorFlow and Keras
  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  • Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Evaluation of Deep Learning
  • Neural Networks Basics
  • Gradient Descent
  • Introduction to Perceptron & Neural Networks
  • Batch Normalization
  • Activation and Loss Functions
  • Hyper parameter tuning
  • SoftMax
  • Deep Neural Networks
  • Weights initialization

What is react js?

ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook. React uses a declarative paradigm that makes it easier to reason about your application and aims to be both efficient and flexible. Course Included HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, ReactJs, Nodejs, Mongodb


HTML & CSS Building

  • Your First Web Page
  • What Are HTML & CSS?
  • Understanding Common HTML Terms
  • Setting Up the HTML Document Structure
  • Understanding Common CSS Terms
  • Working with Selectors
  • Referencing CSS
  • Using CSS Resets
  • Getting to Know HTML
  • Semantics Overview
  • Identifying Divisions & Spans
  • Using Text-Based Elements
  • Building Structure
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Getting to Know CSS
  • The Cascade
  • Calculating Specificity
  • Combining Selectors
  • Layering Styles with Multiple Classes
  • Common CSS Property Values
  • Opening the Box Model
  • How Are Elements Displayed?
  • What Is the Box Model?
  • Working with the Box Model
  • Developer Tools
  • Positioning Content
  • Positioning with Float- Positioning with Inline-Block
  • Creating Reusable Layouts
  • Uniquely Positioning Elements
  • Working with Typography
  • Adding Color to Text
  • Changing Font Properties
  • Applying Text Properties
  • Using Web-Safe Fonts
  • Embedding Web Fonts
  • Including Citations & Quotes
  • Setting Backgrounds & Gradients
  • Adding a Background Color
  • Adding a Background Image
  • Designing Gradient Backgrounds
  • Using Multiple Background Images
  • Exploring New Background Properties
  • Creating Lists
  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Description Lists
  • Nesting Lists
  • List Item Styling
  • Horizontally Displaying List
  • Adding Media
  • Adding Images
  • Adding Audio
  • Adding Video
  • Adding Inline Frames
  • Semantically Identifying Figures & Captions
  • Building Forms
  • Initializing a Form
  • Text Fields & Textareas
  • Multiple Choice Inputs & Menus
  • Form Buttons
  • Other Inputs
  • Organizing Form Elements
  • Form & Input Attributes
  • Login Form Example
  • Organizing Data with Tables
  • Creating a Table
  • Table Structure
  • Table Borders
  • Table Striping
  • Aligning Text
  • Completely Styled Table
  • Writing Your Best Code
  • HTML Coding Practices
  • CSS Coding Practices


  • Introduction
  • Layouts
  • Grid system
  • Utilities for layout
  • Content
  • Typography
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Components
  • Alerts
  • Badges
  • Breadcrumb
  • Buttons
  • Button group
  • Cards
  • Carousel
  • Collapse
  • Dropdowns
  • Forms
  • Input group
  • Jumbotron
  • List group
  • Media object
  • Modal
  • Navs
  • Navbar
  • Pagination
  • Popovers
  • Progress
  • Spinners
  • Toasts
  • Tooltips
  • Utilities
  • Borders
  • Colors
  • Display property
  • Embeds
  • Flex
  • Overflow
  • Position
  • Shadows
  • Sizing
  • Spacing
  • Text
  • Vertical alignment
  • Icons


  • JAVASCRIPT – Overview
  • What is JavaScript?
  • Client-Side JavaScript
  • Advantages of JavaScript
  • Limitations of JavaScript
  • JavaScript Development Tools
  • Where is JavaScript Today?
  • JAVASCRIPT – Syntax
  • Your First JavaScript Code
  • Whitespace and Line Breaks
  • Semicolons are Optional
  • Case Sensitivity
  • Comments in JavaScript
  • JAVASCRIPT – Enabling
  • JavaScript in Internet Explorer
  • JavaScript in Firefox
  • JavaScript in Chrome
  • JavaScript in Opera
  • Warning for Non-JavaScript Browsers
  • JAVASCRIPT – Placement
  • JavaScript in and Sections
  • JavaScript in External File
  • JAVASCRIPT – Variables
  • JavaScript Datatypes
  • JavaScript Variables
  • JavaScript Variable Scope
  • JavaScript Variable Names
  • JavaScript Reserved Words
  • JAVASCRIPT – Operators
  • What is an Operator?
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Miscellaneous Operators
  • JAVASCRIPT – If-Else
  • Flow Chart of if-else
  • if Statement
  • if...else Statement
  • if...else if... Statement
  • JAVASCRIPT – Switch-Case
  • JAVASCRIPT – While Loop
  • The while Loop
  • The do...while Loop
  • JAVASCRIPT – For Loop
  • The for Loop
  • JAVASCRIPT – For-in Loop
  • JAVASCRIPT – Loop Control
  • The break Statement
  • The continue Statement
  • Using Labels to Control the Flow
  • JAVASCRIPT – Functions
  • Function Definition
  • Calling a Function
  • Function Parameters
  • The return Statement
  • Nested Functions
  • Function () Constructor
  • Function Literals
  • JAVASCRIPT – Events
  • What is an Event?
  • onclick Event Type
  • onsubmit Event Type
  • onmouseover and onmouseout
  • HTML 5 Standard Events
  • JAVASCRIPT – Cookies
  • What are Cookies?
  • How It Works?
  • Storing Cookies
  • Reading Cookies
  • Setting Cookies Expiry Date
  • Deleting a Cookie
  • JAVASCRIPT – Page Redirect
  • What is Page Redirection?
  • JavaScript Page Refresh
  • Auto Refresh
  • How Page Re-direction Works?
  • JAVASCRIPT – Dialog Box
  • Alert Dialog Box
  • Confirmation Dialog Box
  • Prompt Dialog Box


  • JAVASCRIPT – Objects
  • Object Properties
  • Object Methods
  • User-Defined Objects
  • Defining Methods for an Object
  • The ‘with’ Keyword
  • JAVASCRIPT – Number
  • Number Properties
  • NaN
  • Prototype
  • constructor
  • Number Methods
  • toExponential ()
  • toFixed ()
  • toLocaleString ()
  • toPrecision ()
  • toString ()
  • valueOf ()
  • JAVASCRIPT – Boolean
  • Boolean Properties
  • constructor ()
  • Prototype
  • Boolean Methods
  • toSource ()
  • toString ()
  • valueOf ()
  • JAVASCRIPT – String
  • String Properties
  • constructor
  • Length
  • Prototype
  • String Methods
  • charAt()
  • charCodeAt ()
  • contact ()
  • indexOf ()
  • lastIndexOf ()
  • localeCompare ()
  • match ()
  • replace ()
  • Search ()
  • slice ()
  • split ()
  • substr ()
  • substring ()
  • toLocaleLowerCase()
  • toLocaleUppereCase ()
  • toLowerCase ()
  • toString ()
  • toUpperCase ()
  • valueOf ()
  • String HTML Wrappers
  • anchor()
  • big()
  • blink ()
  • bold ()
  • fixed ()
  • fontColor ()
  • fontsize ()
  • italics ()
  • link ()
  • small ()
  • strike ()
  • sub()
  • sup ()
  • JAVASCRIPT – Arrays
  • Array Properties
  • constructor
  • length
  • Prototype
  • Array Methods
  • concat ()
  • every ()
  • filter ()
  • forEach ()
  • indexOf ()
  • join ()
  • lastIndexOf ()
  • map ()
  • pop ()
  • push ()
  • reduce ()
  • reduceRight ()
  • reverse ()
  • shift ()
  • slice ()
  • some ()
  • sort ()
  • splice ()
  • toString ()
  • unshift ()
  • Date Properties
  • constructor
  • Prototype
  • Date Methods
  • Date()
  • getDate()
  • getDay()
  • getFullYear()
  • getHours()
  • getMilliseconds()
  • getMinutes ()
  • getMonth ()
  • getSeconds ()
  • getTime ()
  • getTimezoneOffset ()
  • getUTCDate ()
  • getUTCDay ()
  • getUTCFullYear ()
  • getUTCHours ()
  • getUTCMilliseconds ()
  • getUTCMinutes ()
  • getUTCMonth ()
  • getUTCSeconds ()
  • getYear ()
  • setDate ()
  • setFullYear ()
  • setHours ()
  • setMilliseconds ()
  • setMinutes ()
  • setMonth ()
  • setSeconds ()
  • setTime ()
  • setUTCDate ()
  • setUTCFullYear ()
  • setUTCHours ()
  • setUTCMilliseconds ()
  • setUTCMinutes ()
  • setUTC Month ()
  • setUTCSeconds ()
  • setYear ()
  • toDateString ()
  • toGMTString ()
  • toLocaleDateString ()
  • toLocaleDateString ()
  • toLocaleFormat ()
  • toLocaleString ()
  • toLocaleTimeSring ()
  • toSource ()
  • toString ()
  • toTimeString ()
  • toUTCString ()
  • valeOf ()
  • Date Static Methods
  • Date.parse ( )
  • Date.UTC ( )
  • Math Properties
  • Math-E
  • Math-LN2
  • Math-LN10
  • Math-LOG2E
  • Math-LOG10E
  • Math-PI
  • Math-SQRT1_2
  • Math-SQRT2
  • Math Methods
  • abs ()
  • acos ()
  • asin ( )
  • atan ( )
  • atan2 ( )
  • ceil ( )
  • cos ( )
  • exp ( )
  • floor ( )
  • log ( )
  • max ( )
  • min ( )
  • pow ( )
  • random ( )
  • round ( )
  • sin ( )
  • sqrt ( )
  • tan ( )
  • toSource ( )
  • Brackets
  • Quantifiers
  • Literal Characters
  • Metacharacters
  • Modifiers
  • RegExp Properties
  • constructor
  • global
  • ignoreCase
  • lastIndex
  • multiline
  • source
  • RegExp Methods
  • exec ( )
  • test ( )
  • toSource ( )
  • toString ( )


  • JAVASCRIPT – Errors and Exceptions
  • Syntax Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • Logical Errors
  • The try...catch...finally Statement
  • The throw Statement
  • The onerror( ) Method
  • JAVASCRIPT – Form Validation
  • Basic Form Validation
  • Data Format Validation
  • JAVASCRIPT – Animation
  • Manual Animation
  • Automated Animation
  • Rollover with a Mouse Event


  • SQL ─ Overview
  • What is SQL?
  • SQL Process
  • SQL Commands
  • SQL ─ RDBMS Concepts
  • What is RDBMS?
  • SQL Constraints
  • Data Integrity
  • Database Normalization
  • Database – First Normal Form (1NF)
  • Database – Second Normal Form (2NF)
  • Database – Third Normal Form (3NF)
  • SQL ─ RDBMS Databases
  • MySQL
  • MS SQL Server
  • SQL – Syntax
  • Various Syntax in SQL
  • SQL ─ Data Types
  • SQL – Operators
  • What is an Operator in SQL?
  • SQL Arithmetic Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators – Examples
  • SQL Comparison Operators
  • Comparison Operators – Examples
  • SQL Logical Operators
  • Logical Operators – Examples
  • SQL – Expressions
  • Boolean Expressions
  • Numeric Expressions
  • Date Expressions
  • SQL – CREATE Database
  • SQL ─ DROP or DELETE Database
  • SQL ─ SELECT Database,USE Statement
  • SQL ─ CREATE Table
  • SQL - Creating a Table from an Existing Table
  • SQL ─ DROP or DELETE Table
  • SQL ─ INSERT Query
  • SQL ─ SELECT Query
  • SQL ─ WHERE Clause
  • SQL ─ AND & OR Conjunctive Operators
  • The AND Operator
  • The OR Operator
  • SQL ─ UPDATE Query
  • SQL ─ DELETE Query
  • ]SQL ─ LIKE Clause
  • SQL ─ TOP, LIMIT or ROWNUM Clause
  • SQL ─ ORDER BY Clause
  • SQL ─ Group By
  • SQL ─ Distinct Keyword
  • SQL ─ SORTING Results
  • SQL ─ Constraints
  • SQL - NOT NULL Constraint
  • SQL - DEFAULT Constraint
  • SQL - UNIQUE Constraint
  • SQL ─ Primary Key
  • SQL ─ Foreign Key
  • SQL ─ CHECK Constraint
  • SQL ─ INDEX Constraint
  • Dropping Constraints
  • Integrity Constraints
  • SQL ─ Using Joins
  • The UNION ALL Clause
  • SQL ─ INTERSECT Clause
  • SQL ─ EXCEPT Clause
  • SQL ─ NULL Values
  • SQL ─ Alias Syntax
  • SQL – Indexes
  • The CREATE INDEX Command
  • The DROP INDEX Command
  • SQL - INDEX Constraint
  • SQL ─ ALTER TABLE Command
  • SQL ─ Using Views
  • Creating Views
  • SQL ─ Having Clause
  • SQL – Transactions
  • Properties of Transactions
  • Transactional Control Commands
  • SQL ─ Wildcard Operators
  • SQL ─ Date Functions
  • SQL ─ Temporary Tables
  • What are Temporary Tables?
  • Dropping Temporary Tables
  • SQL – Clone Tables
  • SQL – Sub Queries
  • Subqueries with the SELECT Statement
  • Subqueries with the INSERT Statement
  • Subqueries with the UPDATE Statement
  • Subqueries with the DELETE Statement
  • SQL – Using Sequences
  • Using AUTO_INCREMENT column
  • Obtain AUTO_INCREMENT Values
  • Renumbering an Existing Sequence
  • Starting a Sequence at a Particular Value
  • SQL – Handling Duplicates
  • SQL – Injection
  • Preventing SQL Injection


  • React ─ Feature
  • React ─ Advantages
  • React ─ Limitations


  • Step 1 - Install Global Packages
  • Step 2 - Create the Root Folder
  • Step 3 - Add Dependencies and Plugins
  • Step 4 - Create the Files
  • Step 5 - Set Compiler, Server and Loaders
  • Step 6 - index.html
  • Step 7 - App.jsx and main.js
  • Step 8 - Running the Server


  • Using JSX
  • Nested Elements
  • Attributes
  • JavaScript Expressions
  • Styling
  • Comments
  • Naming Convention


  • Set State
  • Force Update
  • Find Dom Node


Lifecycle Methods


  • Simple Example
  • Child Events


  • Step 1 - Install a React Router
  • Step 2 - Create Components
  • Step 3 - Add a Router


  • Step 1 - Install Redux
  • Step 2 - Create Files and Folders
  • Step 3 – Actions
  • Step 4 – Reducers
  • Step 5 - Store
  • Step 6 - Root Component
  • Step 7 - Other Components


  • Stateless Example
  • Stateful Example


  • Using Props
  • Default Props
  • State and Props


  • Step 1 - Install React CSS Transitions Group
  • Step 2 - Add a CSS file
  • Step 3 - Appear Animation
  • Step 4 - Enter and Leave Animations

What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is the term used for the targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach the viewers, turn them into customers, and retain them.


Course structure

  • Orientation Classes
  • WordPress
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing(Adwords)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media optimization
  • Email Marketing
  • App Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Content Marketing & Analytics

Digital Marketing Orientation Sessions

  • Introduction to marketing
  • Types of Marketing
  • Introduction to Advertising
  • Types of Advertising
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Types of Digital Marketing
  • Introduction to social media marketing
  • Types of Social Media Marketing
  • Introduction to Analytics
  • Introduction to Competitive analysis
  • Social Media Marketing strategy
  • Setting up goals

Introduction to WordPress

  • What is CMS?
  • WordPress basic
  • When to choose wordpress
  • Advantages of wordpress

Installation of wordpress

  • Creating wp-config automatically
  • Creating wp-config manually
  • Upgrading wordpress
  • Creating your first application

Dashboard functionality

  • Creating and using posts
  • Creating and using pages
  • Using Permalinks
  • Creating and using menu
  • Creating and using comments

Theming and skinning

  • Using themes
  • Using theme options
  • Creating own theme
  • Blog layout and design


  • Installing widget
  • Displaying widgets
  • Widget areas
  • Adding code to text widget

Custom Post Type

  • Naming Best Practices
  • Reserved Post Type Identifiers
  • Custom Post Type Screens
  • URLs
  • Custom Post Type Templates
  • Querying by Post Type


  • Using wordpress plugins
  • Creating your own plugins
  • Names, Files and Locations
  • File headers
  • WordPress plugin hooks
  • Template tag

SEO Introduction

  • What is SEO & how SEO evolved.
  • Why SEO is important in this Digital Era.
  • Why SEO taken a prominent place in present day
  • What is the Impact when we do SEO on websites/blogs.
  • How Search Engine Algorithm works.
  • What are different types of search engines in the world.
  • Updates & New Algorithm’s released by Google

Research & Analysis on Keyword

  • What is a keyword
  • Importance of keyword in SEO
  • Tools for Keyword research.
  • How many types of keywords.
  • How to find competiting keywords for SEO.
  • How to use right keywords for content writing

Reports in SEO

  • Website position analysis.
  • Search Term Report.
  • Other Monthly customized Reports.

Introduction Adwords

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Search Engine Marketing
  • How SEM is Different From SEO
  • SEM v/s SEO
  • Introduction to Google Adwords
  • Setting up Adwords account ready
  • Adwords Account Structure
  • Account setup and dashboard
  • What is Remarketing tag
  • How to get Remarketing Code
  • Remarketing code integration
  • What is Conversion tracking
  • How to get Conversion tracking code
  • Conversion tracking code integration
  • Difference between Remarketing code and conversion tracking code
  • Google Analytics integration with Adwords
  • Adwords Campaign types
  • How to choose right campaign for your business
  • Campaign Setup
  • Ad groups purpose
  • Ads and keywords metrics
  • Keyword Research
  • Define keywords
  • Keyword v/s Query
  • What is keyword research
  • Methods of keywords research
  • How to pick profitable keywords
  • How to divide ad groups based on keywords
  • Keywords match types Ad copy Writing
  • Types of Ads
  • Display ADS
  • You Tube ADS
  • Mobile App ADS
  • Product Listing Ads
  • Ad copy limitations
  • Words should not be used in Ad copies
  • Ad copy metrics
  • 9 types of Ad copies
  • How to write killer ad copy
  • Symbols used in Ad copies
  • What is Ad extension
  • Types of Ad extensions
  • How Ad extensions will boost CTR Campaign Optimization
  • Points to be considered while optimizing campaign
  • Types of Optimizations
  • Campaign level
  • Ad group level
  • Keyword level
  • What is Quality Score?
  • How Quality score affects Your Ad rank
  • How to increase Quality Score
  • Bid Optimization
  • How to limit campaign to run out of budget
  • How to get better ROI with limited budget

Social Media Marketing

  • Twitter Marketing
  • Profile creation and bio
  • Profile design insights
  • Profile layouts
  • Hash Tags and its influence
  • List Creation and its significance
  • Twitter plugins installation
  • Twitter case study
  • Twitter Marketing strategies
  • Linkedin :
  • Introduction to LinkedIn
  • Layout of LinkedIn profile and elements
  • Connections and guidelines
  • Creation of LinkedIn company page
  • Concept of influencers
  • LinkedIn brand promotion
  • LinkedIn group creation
  • LinkedIn marketing strategies
  • YouTube :
  • Creating channels
  • Advertising
  • Bidding
  • Plugin installations
  • Ad sense notifications
  • Viral sharing
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Blogs
  • Newsletters and email marketing
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Introduction to Facebook marketing
  • Facebook page creation : its significance
  • Page Layout
  • Group creation: its significance
  • Facebook Business/Brand category
  • Event Creation
  • Facebook Content creation strategy
  • Facebook Aps/Tabs
  • Facebook top brand case study
  • Facebook Traffic generation (Leads, likes, shares, comments, recommendations and page suggestions)
  • Facebook SEO
  • Facebook Advertisement and policies
  • Sponsored posts
  • Sponsored stories
  • Sponsored events
  • Sponsored likes
  • Facebook Bidding strategies

Web Master Tools – Google

  • What is Google Web Master Tools
  • How to Add our site and go the necessary configuration.
  • How to add URL Parameters.
  • How to Add URL to Google Fetch for faster crawling.
  • How to block unnecessary Crawlers through robots.txt.
  • How to add Site Map.
  • How to check Internal & External Links.
  • How to check the suggestion given by Google

On-Page Optimization

  • What is On-Page Optimization.
  • How to use keyword planner.
  • Title Tag Optimization.
  • Header Tag Optimization.
  • Alt Tag Optimization.
  • Keyword Research.
  • Sitemap for link Optimization
  • XML Sitemap Creation
  • Rss Feed Creations
  • HTML Code Optimization
  • How to effectively design a website for search engine optimization
  • Tracking the unique visitors and return visits to websitOff-es
  • How to write unique and original content.

Off-Page Optimization

  • What is Off-Page Optimization.
  • What is importance of Off Page Optimization in SEO.
  • Techniques to follow while doing Off-Page Optimization.
  • How to do Directory Submission.
  • How to do Social Bookmarking.
  • Importance & how to post classifieds.
  • How to do Article Submission.
  • How to create and importance of Social Profiles.

Email Marketing

App Marketing


Content Marketing

Affiliate Marketing


What is PowerBI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a diverse computer science sector that is responsible for constructing intelligent computers capable of carrying out jobs that are usually humane. AI is a multidisciplinary discipline, although machine learning advances and profound learning create a paradigm change in practically every sector of the technology business.



  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Fundamental of Python
  • Variables
  • Comments
  • Print Statement
  • Operators
  • Mutable Data Types
  • Data Types
  • Special Data Types
  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Break, Continue and Pass Statements
  • String Object and working
  • List
  • Tuple
  • Set
  • Dictionaries
  • Map
  • Reduce
  • Filter
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Modules
  • Error Handling

Data Visualization

  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Cuflinks
  • Bokesh


  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Random
  • Math
  • Scipy
  • sklearn
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • NLTK
  • Spacy
  • Lot more…


  • Introduction to Data Visualization
  • Introduction to Tableau
  • Basics charts and dashboards
  • Special Char Types
  • Dashboard design and principles
  • Connections with servers
  • Local file access
  • Hands on experience with worksheet

Web Scraping

  • Url
  • Beautiful Soup

Data base

  • SQL
  • MongoDB


  • Basics of Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Data Distribution
  • Probability Distribution
  • Normal Distribution
  • Poison Distribution
  • Outlier Detection
  • Other Statistical Fundamentals

Machine Learning

  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Semi Supervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Learning

  1. Regression Models
  2. Classification Models

Regression Models

  • Introduction to Regression Models
  • Linear Models
  • Linear Regression
  • Multiple Regression
  • Ordinary Least Square Method
  • Non-Linear Models
  • Support Vector Regressor
  • Random Forest Regressor
  • Decision Tree

Evaluation Metrics for Regression Models

  • R-Square
  • Adjusted R Square
  • Mean Square Error
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Mean Absolute Error

Classification Models

  • Introduction to Classification Models
  • Logistics Regression
  • Naïve Bayes
  • Support Vector Classifier
  • K-NN Classifier
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier

Evaluation Metrics for Classification Models

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1 Score
  • ROC Curve

Unsupervised Learning

  • Introduction to Unsupervised Learning

Clustering Models

  • Introduction to Clustering Models
  • K- Mean Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • High Dimensional Clustering

Dimension Reduction

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

  • Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Featurization, Model Selection & Tuning

  • Feature Extraction
  • Model Defects & Evaluation Metrics
  • Model Selection and Tuning
  • Comparison of machine learning models

Neural Networks

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Fundamental of Neural Networks
  • TensorFlow and Keras
  • Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  • Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Evaluation of Deep Learning
  • Neural Networks Basics
  • Gradient Descent
  • Introduction to Perceptron & Neural Networks
  • Batch Normalization
  • Activation and Loss Functions
  • Hyper parameter tuning
  • SoftMax
  • Deep Neural Networks
  • Weights initialization

Image Pre-processing

  • Computer Vision
  • Open CV
  • Noise Detection
  • Noise Reduce
  • Low Pass Filters
  • Forward Propagation
  • Backward Propagation
  • Pooling & Padding

Natural Language Processing

  • Introduction to NLP
  • Corpus
  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
  • Natural Language Generator (NLG)
  • Tokenization (Word, Sentence, Blank, RegEx)
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Filtering
  • Stemming
  • Lemmatization
  • Stop Words
  • Regular Expressions
  • POS Tagging
  • Syntax Tree
  • Chunking
  • Lemmas
  • Hypernyms
  • Hyponyms
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Distance Between words
  • Wordnet
  • Name Entity Recognition
  • Bag of words or Document Matrix
  • Count Vectorization
  • Term Frequency
  • Inverse Document Frequency
  • Sentimental Analysis
Best Artificial Intelligence Training in Hyderabad with 100% placement Assistance. Learn Data Science with Python, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Statistics and Tableau.


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Phone: +91 9390023585
Email: info@learnai.co.in

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Address: 1st Floor, Rajadhani Theatre Complex, Pillar Number 1546, above Siri Mobiles, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500060.
Phone: +91 9390023585
Email: info@learnai.co.in
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